**Note: Before you begin a fast, It is highly recommended that you receive a consultation from Naturopathic Physician to determine your nutritional/health level. Individuals who have extreme nutritional deficiencies, mental stress, toxic and dysfunctional organs will make their condition worst when they fast without a Naturopathic Physician’s care. **
Fasting does not mean starvation. It's a method of body purification. Fasting is observed by people who adopt naturopathic diet only once in a month. On the day of fasting one is supposed to have only drinks that cleans the body, such as cucumber juice and coconut water. Always keep dinner as minimum to the vegetable soups,fruits and salads.
What is Fasting?
Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. Fasting is to go at least 12 Hours without eating or chewing solid foods.
A HEALING FAST- To go at least 24 hours without eating or chewing solid foods. A healing fast over a 12-hour fast is highly recommended.
There are 3 types of fasting
A. Water Fasting- This is done with distilled water or mineral water.
B. Juice Fasting – Vegetable drink, Chlorophyll (Green Drink), Master Cleanse, or Fruit drink.
The following fruits are recommended during a fast (drinking fruit juice is optional during a fast)
· Apple Juice- A natural Laxative, Cleanse Gall Bladder, Good for riding the body of radiation from X-Rays, internal inflammation, Lowers Cholesterol.C. Dry Fasting– No Drinks of any kind. Nothing enters the mouth. (This fast is more spiritual and only recommend for one day only).
· Cranberry Juice- Bladder Infections, Diabetes (Lowers Blood Sugar), Cancers.
· Grape Juice- Edema, Cancer, Fights Toxins, Blood Cleanser fruit.
· Papaya Juice (paw paw)- inflammation, heartburn, ulcers, back pain, and digestive system.
· Lemon Water- Excellent Blood Purifier, restores pH in the colon, cleanser the body of mucus, heals the stomach.
· Watermelon- Cleanse the Blood, Natural diuretic, excellent for canker sores and tissue inflammation.WATERMELON JUICE FAST CONSIST BLENDING WATERMELON WITH ITS SEEDS.
What is the purpose of Fasting?
PHYSICAL- Fasting cleanse the blood of toxins, waste, dead or diseased cells, acid crystals, calcified tumors, and mucus. Fasting keeps the body young regardless of years. It also rid the body of pain and irritation.
MENTAL- Cleanse the thoughts and allows the mental consciousness to bring to surface unresolved emotional issues for releasing. Anger, Guilt, Resentment, Hatred, etc.
SPIRITUAL- Removes negative or low vibration from the spirit. This will allow full awareness of the connection to “the Divine.”
What is the fasting process?
When you fast the body uses energy to eliminate toxins and waste from itself. The waste is dumped in the circulatory system. This is when you feel miserable(HEALING CRISIS) fatigue, headaches, fever, mood swings, gas, aches, (this usually occurs during the 3-4 day on your fast) This is when lack of food is blamed. You can notice the mucus or toxins in your urine. Keeping the bowels clean will make you feel better. As long as the waste is in the circulation you will feel miserable during a fast. When the colon and Kidneys pass the waste out of the body you will better instantly. This can happen several times during a fast. The less you drink the more aggressive the HEALING CRISIS.
"the healing crisis"
Naturopaths often talk about the concept of the 'healing crisis'. When a person undertakes changes in their diet, or undertakes fasting or cleansing diets, a healing crisis may be triggered. This is actually a worsening of their symptoms and people who have accumulated a large amount of toxins in the body are considered most susceptible. It is thought that when the dietary changes are made, the toxins are forced out of the body's organs such as the kidneys, liver, lungs and skin and these can become overloaded which leads to an initial worsening of the original condition plus such symptoms as headaches, skin eruptions, bad breath and seemingly unrelated aches and pains. These extra symptoms are generally short-lived and subside within a number of days and are considered by naturopaths as a sign that the healing process has begun.
Cleansing the Bowels
· Herbal Teas- Cascara Sagrada, Aloe Vera Juice, Senna or Raw Apple Juice.
· Salt Water Cleanse- Prepare a full quart of luck-warm water and add two teaspoons of unionized sea salt. Drink the entire quart of salt and water first thing in the morning. This must be taken on an empty stomach. Best taken first thing in the morning.
· Enemas- Garlic, Catnip, Coffee, or Lemon Enemas. Enemas can be performed daily on the colon while on a fast. Or you can use an enema once every other day or 3-4 a week.
Avoid the following activities while fasting
• Do not look at or listen to local or worldly news.
•Do not gossip or speak negative about anyone including yourself.
•Listen to calming music only. No negative music (instrumental music is best).
•Distance yourself from negative situations and people (This includes family members).
•Do not tell the world that you are on a fast (let not your right hand know what your left hand is doing).
•No sexual activity of any kind. (this includes masturbation).
How long should one fast?
One 24-hours fast a week or one 3-day fast every month or Four 7-10 day fast once a season (SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER)
Healers- 21- 30 day fast once a year. Long fasting is great to rid the body of cancer, tumors and cyst; however, long fasting without the supervision of a fasting specialist is not recommended.
Who should not fast!
•Chemotherapy patients
•Radiation patients
•Drug addicts or previous drug addicts should not fast.
As said by CONFUCIUS early 2500 years back, the health of an organism is tempered wholly by the mechanics of the stomach. As a modern Saint, PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA analysed, that IT IS OVER EATING ON ALL THE 365 DAYS OF A YEAR that leads to and complicates diseases.
Resource : Wikipedia, www.celestialhealing.net, Yahoo.
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