Have sex for up to 5 days before ovulation

A woman’s time of ovulation is the point in her menstrual cycle during which she is most likely to become pregnant. If you want to get pregnant as soon as possible, optimizing the timing of sexual intercourse can up the odds of conceiving during your upcoming menstrual cycle. Most women are actually infertile for the majority of the month, so don’t miss this important fertile window.
• Because sperm can survive in the womb for several days, sexual intercourse prior to ovulation can increase the chance of pregnancy.

Have sex frequently

If you are not in a hurry to get pregnant, having sex 2 or 3 times each week may result in pregnancy within several months. During and before ovulation, aim for daily intercourse. Although healthy men generate sperm quickly and often have enough sperm to enable conception with multiple ejaculations per day, there is little evidence that having sex more than once per day increases the chances of getting pregnant.
• In some cases, having sex only prior to ovulation and focusing solely on getting pregnant can actually reduce the likelihood of making a baby. Increased stress levels and partnership troubles may cause this reduction in fertility.

Do not use spermicides, lubricants, or chemical stimuli

Products aimed at enhancing pleasure or preventing conception should be avoided during intercourse if you are trying to achieve pregnancy. If possible, avoid even basic lubricants unless sex is painful without it. If you must use lubricant, opt for canola oil, which does not interfere with sperm mobility and vitality like many marketed sexual lubricants.

Do not douche

Douching can upset the natural balance in the vagina and may interfere with the environment your body needs to help move sperm to your eggs, and to enable the fertilized egg to implant in the uterine wall.


Although many folkloric tips for improving the chances of getting pregnant are not supported by scientific research, it may not hurt to try.
• Try to achieve orgasm after your partner ejaculates into you. The female orgasm helps pull sperm into the cervix, which may facilitate the movement of your partner’s sperm.
• Lay on your back or angle your body with your knees in the air and your head on a pillow to potentially increase the chances of sperm entering your cervix and fallopian tubes.

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