KEEPING BACK COMBED HAIR HEALTHY Try to substitute a comb for a ball-tipped paddle brush when back combing. The wider-spaced bristles won't snag your hair as much as a comb, which prevents knotting and breaking. It'll also promote shine & healthy growth, and the static will give a generally fuller volume.

Use a good shampoo. A moisture-sealing shampoo can help repair and prevent split ends.

Use a good conditioner. Try to get one that works well with the shampoo you are using.

Don't use hairspray after backcombing. Get a decent volumizing mousse and crumple a golf-ball sized splodge through damp, freshly washed (and well conditioned) hair. Leave hair to dry, then tease as usual. The mousse will give just enough coarseness for the volume to hold, but not at the price of the shine/strength/condition of your hair. Hairspray can often weaken hair and make it prone to breaking. If you prefer, squirt a mist of gel spray on damp hair.

Try trimming a few inches off the bottom of your hair. Not only will it get rid of the split ends, Your hair will feel thicker and healthier instantly. If you style your hair a lot, regular trims are important.

Always brush your hair out at night. Start at the ends and work upwards, smoothing out a tiny section at a time. This technique is less painful and damaging than dragging a brush straight through.

Try and backcomb only the roots. Mid-to-end often looks unflattering and bedraggled, and will sag into a massive tangle as the day wears on. Backcombing the roots will give an all-over healthy fullness, slims down a round face and is less prone to breaks and knots because of the scalp's natural oils.

Wear rollers overnight, gently brush the curls out and backcomb where you want more volume. Use the tongs occasionally if you want ringlets or more defined curls, or if you are too tired to put my rollers in!

Cut back on the heated appliances, if at all possible. If your hair's beginning to look a bit sparse due to backcombing/teasing, try to cut back on the heated appliances. You can create most of the same styles experimenting with plaiting, rags and rollers; This also gives a boost of natural volume so you won't need so much backcombing.

If you wear your hair straight, blow-dry with a flat brush and then secure in a lose ponytail with a scrunchie overnight. This helps to prevent bedhead!

Invest in a decent heat protecting spray and try to use irons with ceramic plates.

Take supplements. Vitamin A keeps the oils in your scalp healthy, and vitamin B12 is prevents hair-loss and thinning, and promotes healthy growth. You can get vitamin tablets dirt cheap from supermarkets; and slurp up zillions of broccoli, carrots, spinach and dairy which are really high in hair-friendly vitamins.

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